
Lake Pahoja’s journey through five decades

Amy Lyon | Staff Writer A 50th anniversary is an honor to celebrate, and that’s precisely what Lake Pahoja is commemorating this year. This major landmark of Lyon County had humble beginnings but has grown into a recreational location enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people throughout its 50 years. To honor such a momentous […]

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Architectural aspirations abroad

STUDYING ITALIAN ARCHITECTURE Jake Pytleski, 2021 Central Lyon graduate, stands in front of St. Peter’s Cathedral in the Vatican City. As part of a study abroad program through South Dakota State University, where Pytleski is currently a senior studying landscape architecture, Pytleski went to different cities throughout Italy in pursuit of knowledge of architecture in […]

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Wandering through Woelber history

APPRECIATING FOUR GENERATIONS From left to right, Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture; Ken and Debbie Woelber; and Brent Johnson, president of Iowa Farm Bureau, pose for a picture as the Woelbers hold their Century Farm Award at the Iowa State Fair. The Woelbers were honored to accept this award on behalf of the four […]

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Election 2024

Recap of this year’s election results Tristan Taylor | Editor Election Day, Nov. 5, saw over a million Iowans join their fellow Americans at the polls to decide the direction both this state and country will go in the next years. As of press deadline, the votes in Iowa have been 99 percent counted and […]

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‘Game of Tiaras’ provides tragic humor at George-Little Rock

Dominique Kooiker | Editor This past week, the George-Little Rock Drama Department presented its fall play, “Game of Tiaras” by Don Zolidis. The show was presented Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8 and 9 at the George-Little Rock Performing Arts Center. This show marked Spencer Carstensen’s directorial debut. I had the pleasure of seeing one of […]

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Honoring veterans

SPEAKING AS A VETERAN Marlis Lane spoke during the Veterans Day program at Central Lyon on Monday, Nov. 11. Lane served in the Army from 1976-1980 and gave a speech about how people earn the title veteran and what it means to be a veteran. (Photo/Amy Lyon) Central Lyon hosts Veterans Day program Amy Lyon […]

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Lyon County Riverboat Foundation presents $1.2 million in competitive grants

Amy Lyon | Staff Writer On Thursday, Nov. 7, over 100 people representing local nonprofit groups and organizations attended the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation 2024 Competitive Grant award ceremony. The event took place at the Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort of which the foundation is the nonprofit license holder. This year the foundation awarded […]

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October Kids of Character

Elementary students at Central Lyon are taught the school’s four core expectations are to Respect All, Offer Help, Accept Responsibility and Reach Expectations (ROAR). Staff acknowledge students following those expectations by giving them “ROAR cards” to point out what they were doing well. The cards are collected in a tote near the elementary office and […]

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What I learned on my 36-county tour in 2024

Randy Feenstra | District Representative In October, I completed my fourth biannual 36-county tour, which takes me to all 36 counties in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District at least twice every year. My visits, meetings and conversations contribute greatly to my work in Congress for our families, farmers, businesses and rural communities. It’s through my discussions […]

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Rockin’ and rollin’ in the classroom

Rockin’ and rollin’ in the classroomCentral Lyon celebrates 50th day of schoolAmy Lyon | Staff Writeralyon@ncppub.comSome Central Lyon elementary classrooms were rockin’ and rollin’ to 1950’s themes Monday, Nov. 4, to celebrate their 50th day of school. Julie Boekhout’s second grade was one such class that enjoyed all sorts of activities that were the bee’s […]

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