Brian Hilt Lyon County Sheriff New county-wide emergency alert system goes live Dominique Kooiker | Editor Communication is a key goal of the new Lyon County Sheriff, Brian Hilt, and his team at the sheriff’s department. This month, a new emergency alert system is making communication between local law enforcement and the public easier.Alert Iowa […]
From rotation to full-time
NEW PROVIDER AT SANFORD Ryan VanMoer, PA-C, is the newest provider at Sanford Rock Rapids Clinic. VanMoer obtained his certification of physician assistants from Northwestern College in Orange City in August 2024 and lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his wife, Karley. VanMoer works in family medicine and looks forward to meeting patients and […]
All-State Large Group Speech qualifiers
Ashley Schmidt, left, and Lindsey Haken, right, were nominated for the All-State Large Group Speech Festival Saturday, Feb. 22, in Ames. Haken and Schmidt are students at George-Little Rock High School. They were nominated in the ensemble acting category with their performance of “Driver’s Test.” Haken and Schmidt were nominated in the non-performing category“I am […]
Attorney General visits Rock Rapids
Tristan Taylor | Writer On Thursday, Feb. 20, Iowa’s Attorney General Brenna Bird visited with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department for a roundtable meeting. She spoke with the sheriff’s office and the county attorney’s office on various issues that state has seen, as well as actions she has been taking.Bird explained she finds it important […]
Blast off
PREPARING FOR TAKEOFF Jacob Plueger demonstrates how to launch a rocket at preschool story time at the Rock Rapids Public Library. The theme for Feb. 18 and 21 was outer space. (Photo/Amy Lyon) BONDING AT THE LIBRARY Josie Baudhuin enjoys spending time with her mom, Autumn, at the Rock Rapids Public Library Feb. 18. The […]
DGR Engineering announces leadership transition
DGR Engineering announces leadership transitionDGR Engineering recently announced several leadership changes effective Friday, Feb. 21.Curt Dieren has been elected as president of the firm, succeeding Blair Metzger. Dieren is the seventh individual to serve in that role since the company’s incorporation in 1965. He started his career as an electrical engineer in 1992 after graduating […]
Shooting Hoops in 1947
SHOOTING HOOPS IN 1947From the Jan. 23, 1947, edition of the Lyon County Reporter: Gene Olsen, Lion basketball center, makes a fast one-handed pitch for the hoop in the opening minutes of the Luverne game played at the home gymnasium last week. This particular try didn’t quite make it but there were plenty of similar […]
Local FFA Chapters celebrate National FFA Week
USA Day Hat Day Country vs. Country Club Day and Truck Day Wheelbarrow race.Aria Nebelsick. Feed bag race. Annika Springer and Rochelle Ebel. Brayden Boender. The Central Lyon Faculty won the FFA Olympics.
GLR FFA Dress up Days
2024-2025 Central Lyon FFA Chapter
Pictured are the 2024-2025 Central Lyon FFA Chapter members. Chapter officers are seated in the front row. Front left to right, Caitlin Huisman, student advisor; Thomas Herbert, sentinel; Alexandra Flores, reporter; Ethan Knobloch, secretary; Aubree Benz, president; Jacob Nagel, vice-president; Elise Kahl, treasurer; Nella Hoogers, historian; Mason Herbert, farm manager. (Photo/Submitted)