BETHANY HAMILTONShannon Kock explains the life and contributions of her notable, Bethany Hamilton, during the Night of the Notables Thursday, April 27. (Photo/Teri Marken)Jessica Jensen | Managing EditorCentral Lyon fifth graders presented the eighth annual Night of the Notables Thursday, April 27. For the event, fifth-grade students select a notable figure to research and represent. […]
Future kindergarteners take in Central Lyon
STEP-BY-STEP WITH FRIENDSAurora Fastert and Penelope Baudhuin chat like old friends while completing an activity during kindergarten visit day at Central Lyon on Friday, April 28. (Photo/Jessica Jensen)Jessica Jensen | Managing EditorKindergarten teachers at Central Lyon hosted a visit day for future students in their classrooms on Friday, April 28. Those attending were engaged in […]
A Night Under the Stars and at the Disco
Central Lyon and George-Little Rock host junior/senior promsJessica Jensen | Managing EditorJuniors and seniors at Central Lyon and George-Little Rock High Schools and their dates attended 2023 prom festivities on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 respectively. The theme for prom at Central Lyon was “A Night Under the Stars” while the theme of prom […]
Stepping down from city administration
City administrator looks back on careerDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterSTEPPING DOWN AS CITY ADMINISTRATORThe Rock Rapids City Administrator, Jordan Kordahl, is retiring at the end of April. Kordahl served Rock Rapids for 25 years and played a part in numerous projects throughout the city, including assisting in the aftermath of the 2014 flood. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)After […]
Seventy years of women’s fellowship
A TIME TO GATHERUnited Christian Church will host the 70th annual May Breakfast Saturday, May 6 at 9 a.m. This program is free to any woman who would like to attend and will feature a light breakfast, music and a speaker. The event was started in 1953 to provide fellowship among the women in Rock […]
First-grade teacher wins McTeacher of the Month award
SWEET REWARDCentral Lyon first-grade teacher Natalie Larson, left, was selected as the McDonald’s McTeacher of the Month recently. The award included a recognition plaque, $100 for classroom supplies and McCafe drinks for a year. (Photo/Submitted) Jessica Jensen | Managing EditorEach month, September through May, Hart2Hart Inc., a McDonald’s franchisee with 18 locations across South Dakota, Minnesota […]
Ready to hatch
INVESTED IN LEARNINGCentral Lyon third grader Collin Larson eagerly waits to answer a question during the chick hatching program Thursday, April 20. This program is led by Jill Postma and Laura Beyenhof of the Lyon County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Office to teach the third graders. The highlight of the program is an […]
Let’s bounce!
PRACTICING THEIR PING PONG SKILLSCentral Lyon sophomores Hayden Stettnichs and Erika Fluit get ready for the next serve in a competitive game of ping pong. The ping pong tables were recently purchased with a grant from the Central Lyon School Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to enhancing quality education through educational opportunities, school facilities, technology, […]
‘I trusted God for each new day’ George woman celebrates 100th birthday‘I trusted God for each new day’
A SPECIAL BIRTHDAYOn Wednesday, April 19, Ora Fischer of George will celebrate her 100th birthday. Fischer was born in 1923 and grew up on a farm near Sibley. She has always enjoyed getting to know people and being an encouragement to those in her church and community. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterApril 19 marks […]
Egg-cellent learning opportunity
INVESTIGATING EGG SHAPESDrew Klaassen and Kado Espinoza, Central Lyon third-grade students, tested how different egg shapes might move in a nest during an experiment led by Jill Postma and Laura Beyenhof of the Lyon County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Office. This experiment is part of a chick hatching program where the third graders […]