ON To THE ‘SHIPThe Central Lyon Robotics Team 7841 qualified for the state championships by finishing in the top 10 at the Super Qualifier Saturday, Feb. 4. Pictured in front is Quinn Master. Middle row, left to right: Eli Jansma and Aiden Allen. Back row, advisor Bill Allen and Alex Erickson. (Photo/Submitted) Dominique Kooiker | Staff […]
Local high schools compete at state large group speech
CENTRAL LYON’S SHORT FILMCentral Lyon brought three groups to the state large group speech competition at LeMars High School Saturday, Feb. 4. Eliora Enriquez, Gabrielle Rasmussen, Sara Bjerke, Noah Kurrle, Lilyann Downard and Matthew Langholdt created a short film that was shown at the competition. The short film received an overall score of I. (Photo/Dominique […]
Central Lyon gets pepped up to make school history
The Central Lyon/George-Little Rock girls’ wrestling team stands in from of the high school, junior high and middle school crowd during the girls’ state wrestling send-off and pep rally Wednesday, Feb. 1. This was the first year for girls’ wrestling as the sport was sanctioned by the Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Union just under […]
Grappling into history
Central Lyon/George-Little Rock’s Louise Meyer receives congratulations from head coach Jeff Jager with her teammates looking on following her win in the championship match of the Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Union Super Regional 1 qualifying tournament Friday, Jan. 27. Meyer advanced to the first ever sanctioned high school girls’ state wrestling tournament Feb. 2-3. […]
First-year success in middle school robotics
MIGHTY LIONS PREP FOR BATTLEMembers of the Central Lyon robotics team #54908 Mighty Lions collaborate before the LEGO League competition Saturday, Jan. 21. (Photo/Teri Marken)Central Lyon LEGO League teams qualify for stateDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterThere is a first time for everything, and 2023 marks the first time Central Lyon has sent teams to compete […]
Back to where it began
A FAMILY AUTO SALVAGE BUSINESSDalton Lems of Doon started Moon River Auto in 2013. In December 2022, he purchased Lems Auto Recyclers, a company his grandfather originally started in 1953, and merged it with Moon River Auto. Lems keeps one of the signs from his grandfather’s business up in the lobby as a reminder of […]
Learning about weather at Kids Club
READY FOR THE BLIZZARDOn Friday, Jan. 27, the 3- and 4-year-old kids at Kids Club in Rock Rapids learned about different kinds of weather. The room teachers did different weather experiments with the kids to show them how different types of weather work. Pictured are Sage E., room teacher Morgan, Kacey K., Maryn T., Berklee […]
Forging friendships through music
the altos have it…The Central Lyon Jazz Choir’s alto section is made up of Emerson Kelderman, Anna Warntjes, Lauren Geerdes, Lilyann Downard and Amelia Schneidermann. The jazz choir has a full season of performances and competitions ahead of them, including a performance in Sheldon Feb. 6. They will also perform at Central Lyon High School’s […]
Sunshine Foods donates to Bread of Life, Mid Sioux
MONEY FOR MITTENSIn December, Brooks Metzger presented a Mid-Sioux Opportunity Inc. representative with a check for Mid-Sioux’s fundraiser to buy mittens for children. Sunshine facilitated this donation drive and, with the help of their customers, Sunshine was able to raise $428 for Mid-Sioux. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterIn the spirit of giving back to […]
Central Lyon superintendent weighs in on new school choice law
Central Lyon superintendent weighs in on new school choice lawJessica Jensen | Managing EditorCentral Lyon superintendent Brent Jorth is proud to be the product of an Iowa public school and is just as proud of the public school he now oversees. One of his responsibilities, in partnership with teachers, families, administrators and school board members, […]