100 YEARS OF MEMORIESAimee Schlumbohm, pictured holding a poinsettia plant she received from a nephew, is reflecting on living for 100 years. A display in her room at the Rock Rapids Health Centre showcases some of the people and moments in her life. (Photos/Jessica Jensen) Jessica Jensen | Managing EditorDecember 21 is marked in big red letters […]
In with the new for City of Doon
FUTURE PLAN FOR DOON COMMUNITY CENTERPlans for the new Doon Community Center include a fitness center, upgraded kitchen, a large event center and more. The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation funded a grant for the demolition of the current community center, which the building steering committee hopes to start on early in 2023. (Photo/submitted)New Doon Community […]
Lighting up West Side Park
RUNNING OVER A REINDEERIn Frontier Insurance and Real Estate’s Light Extravaganza display at West Side Park in Rock Rapids, a vehicle is about to have a collision with a brilliantly lighted reindeer, exemplifying this driver’s need for Frontier’s services. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Light Extravaganza set up in Rock RapidsDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterPeople traveling west of Rock […]
Filling days and homes with simple fragrance
Blessed Barn Co. features small-batch, hand-poured candlesFILLING HOMES WITH FRAGRANCE AND SIMPLE BEAUTYAmber Van Maanen hand-pours a small batch of candle mixture into dough bowls in her Doon home. Her candles are sold through her business, The Blessed Barn Co. and are meant to bring warm, cozy scents to everyday decor. (Photo/Jessica Jensen)Jessica Jensen | […]
A calling to serve her community
Avera welcomes new providerAVERA’S NEWEST PROVIDERMegan Klapperich, PA-C, began working at Avera Medical Group in Rock Rapids in November. She is originally from Minnesota and works in family medicine and the emergency room. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterWorking in the medical field isn’t for everyone, but medical work was a calling for Avera’s newest provider […]
Bringing Christmas to the basics
Tabernacle Baptist Church of George to host Living NativityAWAY IN A MANGERTabernacle Baptist Church of George will host its Living Nativity Sunday, Dec. 18, with shows at 5:30, 6:15, 7, 7:45 and 8:30 p.m. Pictured are some of the cast from the past year, including Pastor Justin Lassen and Ben Van Kekerix as shepherds, Dominique […]
Electrifying holiday discoveries
Clover Kids at Central Lyon learn about electricityMAKING THE SEASON BRIGHTBrooke Luze and Laura Beyenhof, Clover Kids advisor, work on creating a light-up LED holiday card while Davi De Groot looks on during a Clover Kids meeting Wednesday, Dec. 7. This greeting card project helped teach the students about electricity. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Dominique Kooiker | Staff […]
Engineering a robotics success
Central Lyon robotics team starts season strongDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterNot everyone can say they’ve built and programmed a robot during their lives, and even fewer can say they’ve done so during high school. This accomplishment is routine for members of the Central Lyon High School Robotics team, coached by Bill Allen. Throughout the year, […]
Testing their knowledge
Central Lyon Quiz Bowl teams start season with successJV QUIZ BOWL CHAMPIONSCentral Lyon’s JV Purple Quiz Bowl team won the championship round at MOC-Floyd Valley’s Quiz Bowl tournament Dec. 3. Members of this winning team were Xaccai Ditsworth, Breyona Bosch, Lauren Geerdes, Gabrielle Rasmussen and Aaron Springer. (Photo/Submitted)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterThe Central Lyon High […]
Rapid Speedway closes out 2022 with banquet
LEMS AUTO RECYCLERS SPORTSMEN’S The top drivers in the Lems Auto Recycler’s Sportsmens class are pictured. Front row, left to right: Travis Dann, Todd Steenhoven (3rd Place), Wyatt Steenhoven (2nd Place) and Brian Kroon (1st place). Back row: Brandon Boeve, Leon Sneller, Carson Vanden Top, Neal Krull. The managers, staff, drivers and supporters of Rapid Speedway closed […]