
Dancing to success

CENTRAL LYON HIGH SCHOOL DANCE TEAMPictured are members of the Central Lyon High School dance team. The team will compete in the Iowa High School State Dance Team Championships Wednesday, Nov. 30, a first appearance for the squad. Front row, left to right: Lainee Jensen, Alex Lyman, Emerson Kelderman, Ashlyn Murray and Georgie Oedekoven. Back […]

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Learning through play

WHEN I GROW UPFour children from Kids Club model the new career dress-up clothes purchased with funds from the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation grant the daycare received. The new play equipment purchased focuses on learning through play. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Kids Club receives grant for new play equipmentDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterWhile it may seem that play […]

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Season of celebration

Rock Rapids to host holiday eventsDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Rock Rapids, and the Chamber of Commerce has a special season of events planned to help everyone get into the holiday spirit. The holiday season in Rock Rapids kicks off with Black Friday and Small Business Saturday on […]

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Remembering their sacrifice

HOW TO TALK TO VETERANSNoelle Bonjour, an American Legion Auxiliary member from Canton, South Dakota, presented on how to bridge the communication gap between veterans and civilians at the Veterans Day program at Central Lyon Friday, Nov. 11. She gave tips on what veterans do and do not want to be asked. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Central Lyon […]

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Vocalists will join high-caliber choir at All-State Music Festival

BEST OF THE BESTCentral Lyon High School musicians Anna Van Aartsen, Anna Warntjes and Matthew Langholdt, pictured left to right, will perform with the All-State Choir Saturday, Nov. 19. (Photo/Jessica Jensen) Anna Van Aartsen is first four-time selection from Central LyonJessica Jensen | Managing EditorCentral Lyon High School senior vocalists, Matthew Langholdt, Anna Van Aartsen and Anna […]

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Passion for cheer

TOP CHEERLEADERSCentral Lyon cheerleaders Eliora Enriquez, Emerson Kelderman and Alex Lyman, pictured left to right, were selected to the Iowa Cheer Honor Squad and will perform during the Iowa High School football championships Saturday. (Photo/Jessica Jensen) Central Lyon cheerleaders participate in Honor SquadDominique Kooiker | Staff WriterFor many cheerleaders, cheer is more than just a sport. […]

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Meeting and writing about a hall of fame baseball player

Former Rock Rapids native Curt DeBerg (left) takes a quick photo with Tony Oliva (right) prior to a Twins game this past season. Oliva, who was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2021, was one of the main characters in DeBerg’s book about Oliva and Ernest Hemingway. (Photo/submitted)Local book authorFormer Rock Rapids native […]

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New members inducted into National Honor Society

CENTRAL LYON NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYPictured are current members of the National Honor Society at Central Lyon. An induction ceremony for new members was conducted Tuesday, Nov. 8. Front row, left to right: Quinn Master, Aaron Springer, Matthew Langholdt, Simon Konechne, Noah Kurrle. Second row, left to right: Lilyann Downard, Eliora Enriquez, Riley Weiler, Dionne Jansma, […]

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Middle school choir members to sing in Honor Choir

OPUS HONOR CHOIR PARTICIPANTSSeven Central Lyon Middle School choir students were selected to perform at the Iowa Opus Honor Choir Festival in Ames Nov. 17. Students selected are Amber Langholdt, Maggie McCarthy, Ellie Docker, Gracia Poppinga, Paisley Vogel, Elly Kupferschmid and Levi Altena. (Photo/Dominique Kooiker)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterThis fall, seven Central Lyon Middle School […]

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Central Lyon high school band students to perform in Honor Band

HIGH SCHOOL HONOR BAND PARTICIPANTSThree Central Lyon High School band students made it into the Northwest Iowa Honor Band. They are (pictured left to right) Gabrielle Rasmussen, Eliora Enriquez and Liza Jans. These students will perform Jan. 7 at Morningside University in Sioux City. (Photo/submitted)Dominique Kooiker | Staff WriterOn Saturday, Nov. 5, three Central Lyon […]

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